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Messages - gonemylifeis

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Ogre error.
« on: July 04, 2019, 03:54:58 AM »
There are other topics about this error, but none seem to explain how to fix this error.
im new and this is the first time im trying to open the game.
the error reads as:

"an exeption has occured!
OGRE EXEPTION(7:internalerrorexeption): could not load dynamic library .\rendersystem_direct3D9. system error: the specified module could not be found.
in dynlib::load at
c:\kito\git\sources\dependencieogre_src_v1-7-4\ogremain\src\ogredynlib.cpp (line 91)"

im very excited to start playing. i figured one of yall could read error logs better than i could, and help me out. thank you!

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