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Discussion & Suggestions / Re: what the hell happened (were is everyone)
« on: August 14, 2021, 02:25:48 AM »
hey there & welcome back. :)

unfortunately, a lot of the members & staff you’re likely familiar with/have mentioned have left the game and community, and did so long before activity started to decline. Last Moon had a good run, but as its members
and staff have grown and moved on, it’s collected dust & become a thing of the past. while your love for the game is appreciated, it’s more than unlikely this project will be picked back up at any point in the future. probably best to consider it retired at this point, and “archived”.

if you’re looking for a game that is updated and cared for, i’d recommend checking out LM’s sister server, Dawn of Eternity. it is maintained by RikaCreature, who puts a lot of love & effort into the game and its components. it also has some active players as well, so you wouldn’t find yourself alone in the servers.  http://dawn-of-eternity.com/community/pages/index/

we do have a discord that has a lot of members of the community in it, but it’s not really related to LM anymore. just a place people can hang out. 

General / Re: What In-Game Pet Should I Get?
« on: November 10, 2020, 04:20:15 AM »
get the big momma morpho butterfly from ruby shop :) most powerful pet in game available to public

Updates & News / Accounts With Existing Presets
« on: July 07, 2019, 07:32:00 AM »
Hello all! With future plans to reorganize LM and its components, a focus of ours is to reduce game file size (so it doesn't take 5 hours to install/update) by prioritizing files and retracting ones that aren't in use anymore! This especially means presets.

This is not a thread for preset submissions. Those will be taken care of in another post to come, which will address previously submitted presets, as well. (:

If you have any EXISTING presets attached to your account and would like for them to remain in-game, please reply to this post with your account username and the name of your preset character! This post will likely remain open for a couple of weeks as the next game update is compiled and prepared for implementation.

If, by chance, you missed this thread before the update, don't worry! Your preset files will still exist, just shoot a message to either CloudFish or myself for it to be added back in.

Keep an eye out for future updates! Wishing you all a happy summer~

Game Market / Re: Toxic's Preset Shop!
« on: January 21, 2018, 04:00:13 AM »
That second boy is mine and I love him SO MUCH!! You guys will not be disappointed by Toxic’s work. Super friendly and SUPER TALENTED!! 100% amazing  ❤️❤️❤️

Bugs & Glitches / Re: Underwater World Crash
« on: September 17, 2016, 02:45:16 PM »
If you're having this issue, simply go to your game files, locate a file titled "savepoint.SAV" (it'll just appear as "savepoint", SAV is just its file type), and delete it. The next time you log in, you'll be in Default, and not stuck in a perpetual game crash. Not everyone can access their home button fast enough before the crash hits, so this is the best solution! Good luck, guys!

Member of the Month / Re: June 2016 MotM Results
« on: June 05, 2016, 06:37:06 PM »
Congratulations, Tortuga!! <3

Game Help / Ogre Exception with LM Re-Download?
« on: June 08, 2015, 07:34:41 AM »
Well, when I was organizing my laptop, I'd been a bit too quick with my mouse and must've accidentally deleted a file or something concerning Last Moon. So I uninstalled the rest and returned here to re-install it. Upon having done so, when I attempt to launch the game after logging in, that an OGRE EXCEPTION keeps occurring. I've not had this happen before, and it's a bit confusing.

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