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Author Topic: The 10 questions game  (Read 4717 times)

Offline faun

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The 10 questions game
« on: May 18, 2015, 09:09:35 PM »
Don't blame me I'm bored, if someone asks this is Mystery's fault.

Anyway, The 10 questions game! This game consists in making 10 questions and then waiting for a random person to anwser them (lol I guess that was obvious)
Try to make your anwsers and questions as much creative as you can, maybe show us your talent to make people laugh ^^. Oh and NO SAVING SPOTS! You can't ask in your post to wait from your friend to answer the questions, this is fully random. And don't worry to post more then once. Also let's try to make our questions different and I mean like, one of "This or that" "My favourite", "Have you ever", "When was the last time you" and maybe "Do you like". (Oh and nothing very personal please, keep respecting people's space)

(Just gonna drop random questions my friends asked me, and yeah they are crazy, forgive me)

1:You are really:  CRAZY
2:What is your biggest dream? : Having a private giant room filled with christmas decorations, chocolates and things to draw with....And a bed made of chocolates would also be nice. 
3: Would you prefer a cray night out with your friends or a romantic night?: I have no idea what romance is lmao. JUST GO CRAZY.
4:Have you ever stolen something: Well I stole chocolates and bacon from the fridge many times B).
5: If someone stole your most precious drawing, what would you do?: Well I wouldn't go to their funeral, 1 day later.
6: Your last crush?: Well I think I "crushed" an ant when I went home from school
7:Have you ever wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?: Popcorns and Nickelback.
8: If you had a superpower what would it be: OMFG Being able to turn my characters real!
9: Do you prefer to sing or dance: No.
10: Let's be productive: *goes to sleep* Fck no.

My questions:
1: Are scared about the questions I'm gonna ask you?
2: Your school is:
3: Do you have any secret nickname that you want people to call you?:
4: If you had to choose a band/singer to listen to the rest of your life who would you choose?:
5: Would you ever break the law to "save" a friend of yours?:
6: An aspect of your personality that you are proud of:
7: Winter or Summer?:
8: If I threw a cookie in the air right now what would you do?:
9: Do you saw any movie that makes you cry everytime?:
10:  Favourite animal (yeah I got out of question XD):
faun . she/they
i am not affiliated with this game anymore, please don't message me for help!

Offline InkMark

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Re: The 10 questions game
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2015, 09:36:59 PM »
1: Are scared about the questions I'm gonna ask you?: Yes, you must always be scared about Ulti's questions.
2: Your school is: Bad for my health
3: Do you have any secret nickname that you want people to call you?: Inkbutts. No way no...
4: If you had to choose a band/singer to listen to the rest of your life who would you choose?: You want me to choose ONE?
5: Would you ever break the law to "save" a friend of yours?: Hahahaha, well I am such a good friend so NO (okay maybe...)
6: An aspect of your personality that you are proud of: People manipulate me all the time and I have panic attacks I guess the rest is already good and enough.
7: Winter or Summer?: House.
8: If I threw a cookie in the air right now what would you do?: Sit not far away. Wait until people freak out and try to steal it. Watch people fight. Steal the cookie while nobody is watching.
9: Do you saw any movie that makes you cry everytime?: Hachito, and you heard nothing.
10:  Favourite animal (yeah I got out of question XD): Fennec fox.

1: A movie that changed you forever:
2: Music or movies?:
3: Do you think it's awkward when people talk to their pets?:
4: Your favourite book/ type of book:
5: Hey look an alien:
6: What ya think about your class?:
7: Have you ever looked at someone for so long that when they look back at you you can't stop looking at them and everything gets awkward?:
8: Would you rather get drunk or get high if you have no choice but to choose one of them:
9: What is the meaning of life:
10: Your crush just got back from his/her vacations and the first thing they do is knock at your door. Your reaction?:

Offline Venadryl

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Re: The 10 questions game
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2015, 10:46:49 PM »
1. Gravity because holy crap. That movie made me cry.
3. Nah, because I did it all the time when I owned gerbils :3
4. I loved Watership Down! I also like the Warriors Cats series.
5. "Woahhhhhh! Guys come check this thingy out!"
6. Not sure what you mean by "class" but if you mean school class then my response is "ew"
7. Yes. Omfg.
8. Get drunk. Lol.
9. Food.
10. Hug them and welcome them into my house, where we would marathon Netflix together and play my Xbox and then I would ask them out and we would run down my street singing theme songs to various TV shows.

1. Favorite band/singer?:
2. Respond with the most odd .gif you can find:
3. If you could turn into any kind of food, what would it be?:
4. If there are 17 pineapples on the ceiling and five deer-human hybrids trying to break into your neighbors' house, what color is an alien's hat?:
6. Have you ever gone out of your birth country?:
7. Did you realize that I skipped number 5?:
8. Do you have any siblings, and if so, how many?:
9. Pancakes or waffles?:
10. When was the last time you went on a vacation?:
BONUS QUESTION: Digital art/drawing or Traditional art/drawing?:

Offline Dutchval

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Re: The 10 questions game
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 09:07:51 AM »
1. Favorite band/singer?:
Scissor Sisters and Imagine Dragons
2. Respond with the most odd .gif you can find:

3. If you could turn into any kind of food, what would it be?:
Baby back spare ribs bc i would end up eating myself
oh wait
4. If there are 17 pineapples on the ceiling and five deer-human hybrids trying to break into your neighbors' house, what color is an alien's hat?: EXACTLY 249083 DEGREES CELCIUS
6. Have you ever gone out of your birth country?: yis
7. Did you realize that I skipped number 5?: DAMMIT VEN I S2G
8. Do you have any siblings, and if so, how many?: i have one younger brother who is also taller than me sobs
9. Pancakes or waffles?: ill waffle ur pancakes
10. When was the last time you went on a vacation?: whatisthisvacationthingyouspeakethof
probs like half a year ago idfk cant remember
BONUS QUESTION: Digital art/drawing or Traditional art/drawing?: sOBS FINE

1 ) Do you have a pet? If so how many/What kind?
2 ) Favorite Gif right now?
3 ) Favorite subject in school?
4 ) Weirdest website you know:
5 ) If you take the square root of piineapples and triple the universe what is life?
6 ) Biggest Fear?
7 ) Have you ever broken a bone?
8 ) Favorite Movie?
9 ) Favorite song?
10 ) Weirdest video you can find on Youtube right now:
BONUS: TAKE A SELFIEEEE andpostithere:

Avatar done by Sinprince! Signature done by UltimateCreations!

Offline Divinejackal

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Re: The 10 questions game
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 09:51:08 AM »
1 ) Do you have a pet? If so how many/What kind? A grey tiger tabby cat,a black German Shepard, a white golden retriever,and a mustang horse.
2 ) Favorite Gif right now?
3 ) Favorite subject in school? Robotics. not sure if that counts but okay.
4 ) Weirdest website you know: Smosh.com
5 ) If you take the square root of piineapples and triple the universe what is life? Memes.
6 ) Biggest Fear? tbh,right now it's dreaming.
7 ) Have you ever broken a bone? Thank god no.
8 ) Favorite Movie? Bedknobs and Broomsticks.
9 ) Favorite song? Too many,but way back when my only one was Extraordinary by Liz Phair.
10 ) Weirdest video you can find on Youtube right now:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-STtD96doeo I am now addicted to this series.
BONUS: TAKE A SELFIEEEE andpostithere:
 1-What is your secret recipe,I must know:
2 -If you became famous overnight,what would you do first with new said title?:
3 -If you had a say in the matter,would you choose to uphold rule over a fictional place?:
4 -What is your motto?:
5*- What would be your 'Were form'? (*Were-cat,Were-hyena ,etc):
6 -I wonder how you will get out of that box of imminent doom?:
7  -Oh joyus day,you have found something of divine properties,what is it?
8 - Anything you collect?:
9- The annual fedora sacrifice commences,do you join in or fight back and wear a fedora for honor of your people?:
10 -Who be your spirit animal?:

Offline Jenxie13

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Re: The 10 questions game
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 07:50:57 PM »
I'm finally joining this. |D

1-What is your secret recipe,I must know: secret recipe? :< I dun have one ~cris.
2 -If you became famous overnight,what would you do first with new said title?: Tell every1 I luv them all and want to kiss them all.
3 -If you had a say in the matter,would you choose to uphold rule over a fictional place?: yeS.
4 -What is your motto?: There's a light at the end of the tunnel, even if that tunnel never seems to end. It may disappear once in a while, but you'll make it.
5*- What would be your 'Were form'? (*Were-cat,Were-hyena ,etc): Probs a were-Eyen (IS THAT... OMG.)
6 -I wonder how you will get out of that box of imminent doom?: no clue sob.
7  -Oh joyus day,you have found something of divine properties,what is it? u. (8
8 - Anything you collect?: Wolf stuffed toyyyys. ;v;
9- The annual fedora sacrifice commences,do you join in or fight back and wear a fedora for honor of your people?: Wear the fedora obviously. (8
10 -Who be your spirit animal?: Doges.

~My Ten Questions~

1) What song are you listening to right now if you are listening to one?
2) Do you draw? If so, how long have you been drawing?
3) Do you play any other games? (Not IT servers.)
4) Do you have an OC? What is their name?
5) How many siblings do you have, if any?
6) If you were to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7) What is your favorite animal at the moment?
8 ) What is an experience you will most likely never forget? (You don't have to share if you don't want. uvu'')
9) r u a rad memer? (8
10) Who was someone who made a big impact on your life?

Offline faun

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Re: The 10 questions game
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2015, 10:50:30 PM »

1) What song are you listening to right now if you are listening to one? Nickelback: Lullaby
2) Do you draw? If so, how long have you been drawing? Yes and to be honest I don't really know.... i guess since I can hold a pencil xD?
3) Do you play any other games? (Not IT servers.) I dont think im playing any in general now.
4) Do you have an OC? What is their name? I am pretty sure I have more then 70 oc ( that i still work/develope atm) so i dont think naming them is a good idea xD
5) How many siblings do you have, if any? I have one older brother
6) If you were to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chocolate is lifw
7) What is your favorite animal at the moment? Hmmm I think maned wolf or just wolves in general
8 ) What is an experience you will most likely never forget? (You don't have to share if you don't want. uvu'') The day I joined Lm ( yep really dont know what to say I should be sleeping ...shh)
9) r u a rad memer? (8 I'm a fricking waffle
10) Who was someone who made a big impact on your life?
 Hmmm i really can't think in someone specific, but I guess my group of friends that suported me in a secret "down" of my life, i would be lost without them ^^

Le Questions!:

1: Your friend invites you to a crazy night out but you have this very important test that you are afraid not to pass. Go with them or stay studying?
2: There's salty food here and candies there. Where are you going
3: If someone gave you the power of teleporting what would be the first place you would teleport to?
4: What/ who is your biggest inspiration?
5: did you ever prank called someone/ a store?
6: Television or computer?
7: How did you find out about Last Moon?
8: Did you ever did a shiping battle with someone?...,.Do you even know what that is?
9: Will you cross that rainbow with me?
10: Someone gives a flashing colour gun that shots happy unicorns, will you use it?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 10:54:47 PM by UltimateCreations »
faun . she/they
i am not affiliated with this game anymore, please don't message me for help!